Monday, June 10, 2013

SPIDER! Last week in Baao

Hello Team!

Lots of great things happening in my potentially last week here in Baao!  From being mistaken as a Fil-Am tour guide for the other missionaries (Heyo!  Best compliment) to hundreds of baby geckos running around our house, I could go on and on about exciting adventures.  Here's one you'll enjoy:

Remember our bathroom (see picture)?  Remember how we use a ladle and barrel to shower?  Well the experience got 1000x more exotic a few nights ago... I was in the shower, rinsing with the ladle, when all of a sudden I catch a glimpse of something big in the drain ("Didn't notice that before...").  Looked to me like a dead cockroach - no big deal, nothing new.  I continued to rinse and try to better see if this really was a "dead cockroach."  I leaned in... "It looks a little different," I thought... All of a sudden, an a vibrant burst of energy, eight thick, hairy legs sprang open and the biggest spider I've ever seen comes slip-sliding towards me - fast!  In my panic, with a ladle and trash can full of water as my only defense, I just about lost it - "ELDER! ELDER! DER! DER! HEEEEEELPP!!!!!"  I dumped as much water as I could at it to impede the rampant march towards my feet.  In that process, I was able to hold back the monster as I one-handedly searched for my towel, wrapped it around my waist (some-what) and jumped out screaming (literally).  Simmons came to the rescue and after a long ending, we found the spider was significantly bigger than our fly-swatter (BIG).  Can you imagine that?  ...Not fun...

Had a cooler experience on Saturday:  We finally had some time set aside to go tracting so we got all prepared for it in the morning.  We decided to stop by the houses of two less-active members first though.  After the first family (close to our apartment), we were walking casually and diligently trying to find people to talk to as we went to the next members.  I saw a guy sitting by himself, playing guitar on the side of the street.  A pressure instantly appeared in my heart.  To put it into words, it said, "That's the one."  I quickly dismissed the thought arguing that we still had somewhere to go and lots of time to find later.  Instantly I felt the much stronger constraining burn again in my heart - "THAT'S THE ONE!"  "Okay," I said, "I give - this is the guy we need to find."  Talk to him.  Taught him.  We're going back tomorrow.  How cool is that?  Makes you realize how many opportunities we may have missed as we straight-face power walk down the street of our everyday lives.  As for me, I'll always be keeping an eye out, looking to do what I can, in the best way I can do it.

Seeing the work here progress is a thrill.  Imagine seeing the people you love (significantly more than yourself) learning to truly find for themselves everlasting joy and happiness.  The joy swells in me to the point where I can't contain it.  I'm as happy as running up and down stairs shouting joyfully, unable to express through a bright grin the emotion inside - and not even because of country music!  (Country music being the only other thing getting me on my feet, dancing around with giddy glee).  Does that make sense?  Do you get how much I love this?  I'm happy.  So so much more than I ever though.  Also, I'm eating lots of pineapple (25 cents for one!).  Yum!

Thanks for everything!  Love, Elder Shane Scully Brown

Pictures - 

1. The bathroom where I was sneak attacked by the spider.

2-9.  Morning at the lake.  Beautiful.

10.  Cleaning the chapel (went to an area that actually has one)

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