Monday, June 10, 2013

Conference 4 15


Good news!  We got up really early to go watch conference talks online (due to problems yesterday).  Got to Iriga (the big city) and there was a brown out.  They said it would be hours before power would come on, so we just did grocery shopping and came home.  Now we're at the only computer shop in town and besides watching an ant line run right past my fingers, the internet is slow, so I'll just send pictures home next week!

This was a chaotic week!  Meetings, cooking, drunk guys, brown outs, general conference, brown outs AND general conference, and learning new things.  Okay, the morning report (weekly report):

Two great things my mother would be proud of: 1. I made eggs for the first time in my life! (also got sick).  2. I learned how to open a can with a huge kitchen knife.  How wonderful.  Also, my faith proved strong when talking to a slightly (very) intoxicated man in the streets.  He first tried to tell me that the Lord should be drunk too.  But then there was no Lord because we can't see Him.  But wait, this drunk guy was actually the Lord and was going to take us to his house to teach us... "Uh sorry... We're busy.  Maybe next time." Flee the scene. -That's basically it.  Wednesday we had an all day thing for missionaries in training then of course conference so the work was a bit slower.

Conference:  As with last conference (which seems only weeks ago), I stocked up on some great snacks.  Turns out, "comfort food" was the better term for my high-end snacks because we had a bit of troubles (minor technical difficulties).  Arrive for Saturday morning showing of Priesthood Session: five minutes to go, all is good for us to patch into the satellite feed then wait - BROWN OUT!  We figure out how to get the generator going (thanks for teaching me, Dad) but we're sore pressed upon knowing the little guy won't be able to power the air con (air conditioning).  Two hours of Priesthood Session - hot.  Then midday comes around in time for the morning session to be watched - hotter.  Go to lunch then come back for the afternoon session... half way in - electricity is back - air con!  But guess what, the satellite over-heated and broke.  Now we have to stream the rest online.  Internet is fast though.  All good.  Saturday session is over, go home.  Study.  Brownout!  It's dark now.  Luckily we have an emergency light.  A minute later - low batt.  Go out to work.  Still no electricity.  Come home.  No fans, using a cell-phone light to survive.  9PM, the Amerikano finds a generator - power again!  Sunday morning we get to conference on time.  Satellite is not fixed.  Time to stream again - slow internet.  People speak for ten seconds - freeze.  Load.  A few more words.  Freeze again.  Load.  Repeat.  In over and hour and a half we have barely watched what should have only taken 40 minutes.  But good news - back up disc arrives.  Insert.  "Disc not supported."  Uh Oh.  Different cords.  Nothing.  Lap top.  More cords - works.  Perfect quality.  Enjoy the last half of morning session.  Lunch.  Come back.  Insert disc.  Still good.  Are we actually going to get one good session in?  Nope.  50 minutes in, disc stops.  Not all of conference was "successfully downloaded."  Now we don't have internet.  District President, "Okay everyone, we'll close with a hymn + prayer and watch this in our individual branches next week."  Um... we don't have a church building.  "We'll just watch it tomorrow for Pday."  "Good idea."  Say goodbyes - we have transfers next week.  Come home.  Study.  Rest eyes.  Take in the day.  Shower.  Sleep.  Conference weekend is done.

...Well that's it really.  But I suppose I can share a few things I liked about conference, which through it all, was just as beautiful as the last.  They mentioned 58 new mission being formed.  My mission is splitting to add one of those - "I'm just another statistic!"  Elder Holland's talk was powerful as always.  L. Tom Perry's accomplished what I've long wanted to do - slap the 10 commandments in peoples' face (mine too.  I'm not perfect yet either.)  I always like what the Young Women Leaders have to say.  Last October it was Sister Dibb sharing the proud statement, "I'm a Mormon.  I know it.  I live it.  I love it."  This year t was Sister Dalton (Sat. morning session) who discussed standing as a witness at all times, in all places.  She mentioned the phrase, "What e're thou art, do well thy part."  Basically, what I take from that is we all have some sort of calling(s) in life, and we might as well make the best of it.  Strive to improve.  Magnify.  I'm a missionary, a representative of Jesus Christ.  I best do my part well! (Ezekiel 33:1-6!).  I've got less than a year and a half , best continue to do well my part.  Anyways, I'll have to download the talks and re-watch next week (can'd download here).  Hope everyone was able to find their conference gem.  If not, go back.  Listen.  Listen right.  It's there.  Look.  Search.  Beg, plead, pray.  That's my assignment too (:

Other news:  I learned the "SMILE" acronym that apparently every one else knew before me:  S.M.I.L.E. (to be Spiritually Minded Is Life Eternal. -see 2 Nephi 9:39).  Also, kept up just fine in a four language lesson (Tagalog, Rinconada, Bicol, English) so that was exciting.

That's it.  Have a good week! (:

Love, Elder Shane Scully Brown! 

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